Code of
Chivalry Project
Although it has been centuries since the rule of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, the way people interact has changed little. Just as we have school rules, class rules, social rules (laws), and different ways to define how we should treat each other, people used to have The Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love. These were a set of rules that showed people how to live honorably.
During this activity, you will create a poster of the "New Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love for the 21st Century." In addition, you will write a short paper on the personal experiences that helped you decide which pieces of the code of chivalry to bring back from King Arthur's time.
There are three(3) parts to this activity.
First-Create a list of the following things:
Second-Visit the following web sites and take a look at the "Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love."
Write down all the rules that would help solve any of the annoying things about life that you listed above. You need to find at least ten (10) rules that you think should be brought back to our society today.
Third-Using the information you have put together above, create a large, decorative poster of your modern "21st Century Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love for Walhalla High School"
Include a five paragraph paper on what you consider to be the three most important rules to bring back from King Arthur's time. Follow this outline to write your paper.
I. State
the three most important rules you think should be brought back .
(One each from: members of opposite sex/ friends/ adults)
II. State first rule you would bring back and why using details
from your own life. Include how this rule would have helped
remedy the situation.
III. State second rule you would bring back and why using details
from your own life. Include how this rule would have helped
remedy the situation.
IV. State third rule you would bring back and why using details
from your own life. Include how this rule would have helped
remedy the situation.
V. Conclude by describing how your school/ life would be more
pleasant if only these three simple rules for living could be
brought to our modern society
Poster should:
Paper should: