Novel Study: The Education of Little Tree

As we read The Education of Little Tree, you will be required to do the following in your journal: Pick any 8 journal entries to answer in about a page, do all three activities, and complete one of the final assignments.


  1. Discuss how the main character is like or unlike a person (or animal) that you know.
  2. Pretend that you're the author and describe the part that was the most fun or hardest to write. Explain why.
  3. Describe an experience you've had that was like the experience of a character in the book.
  4. Write any kind of poem about your book. (Min. 16 lines)
  5. Write an obituary for one character.
  6. Explain how a character in the book changed from the beginning to the end.
  7. If the book has a villain, why was his or her punishment justified.
  8. Explain why you would like to have one of the characters as a friend.
  9. Tell what you think happened before the story began.
  10. Explain how you would make your book into a movie-- who would play the main characters, where would you film it etc? You must explain your choices.
  11. Write a letter to the author of the novel.
  12. List 15 interesting words from your book and tell why each is interesting.
  13. What problems did the major characters have and how did they solve them?

Due Date:



Write a short plot summary of your novel. This should be about 250 words. Include information such as where and when the story happens, who is telling the story and whether or not you enjoyed the plot and your reasons. What does the title have to do with the book?


  1. Choose an important character Write the following: Write a sketch of the character and include:




-- what the character thinks.

--manner-- how the character acts.

--reactions of others to the character.

Why is s/he important in the novel. Would you like to be the main character? Why or why not? Would you like the main character for a friend? Give your reasons.


    1. What message did you get from this book?
  • --for whom was the book written?

    --do you think that the author was successful in getting the message across? Why?

  • 2- Good and bad points about your novel. Write a review of the novel and give good reasons as to why a friend should or should not read the novel. INCLUDE EXAMPLES FROM YOUR NOVEL TO SUPPORT YOUR REVIEW.

    3- Any other comments that you would like to make, such as whether the novel is part of a series or is it the only one by the author, and whether you will read any more by this author. 4- Did the novel help you in any way?

    Due Date:




    Pick one of the following:

      1. Find a movie which dealt with a similar theme or subject and write a review of it explaining why it is like your novel.
      2. Do a review of another novel with the same theme or subject and write a review of it explaining why it is similar to your novel.
      3. Do a collage of newspaper articles or photographs and write an explanation of how it relates to your novel.
      4. Write an alternate (better?) ending for the novel.
      5. Write a short story based upon the same theme, subject or characters as the novel that you read.
      6. Draw a map of where the story takes place and label all of the important places. On a separate sheet of paper, explain how the places were used in the novel.
      7. Find a song or poem, one of each, or several songs and poems that relate to the theme or subject of your novel. Write out the words/lyrics and then explain how it or they relate to your novel. Or you could write a song or poems and then explain them.
      8. Interview one of the characters and then write out your interview. You might pretend that you are a writer for People magazine.

    Write a newspaper story about what happened at the end or during a part of your novel This will be a news story. Include a photo if you like.

    10- Write an autobiography (life story) of the author or one of the characters.

    Due Date:


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